Sunday, November 22, 2015

Introducing Jason Elijah Jian!!!!

We woke up around 5 AM this morning. Our anxiety was definitely in full swing as we got ready to meet our son for the first time!  We took a bus to the government building which took about 10 minutes to get there.  Jason was one of the last kids to arrive. Our initial reaction, sadly, was that we didn't recognize him right away. He is incredibly small for his age and very malnourished.   He seemed to recognize us from the package/pictures that we sent to him for his birthday.  He never cried, but just watched all of the action in the small room. We brought suckers for him which he liked.  He is absolutely adorable! When he smiles, my heart melts over and over. 

We met the director of his orphanage from Luoyang. She was able to answer a couple questions: He isn't on any medicine. No dietary needs. He still wears diapers. He sleeps with two other kiddos in a crib. He doesn't eat cold or hard foods (I'm still not sure why even after I asked). We signed paperwork and left shortly after we received our lump of joy!  

We went back to the hotel and just got to spend some one-on-one time with Jason.  So far, he has said mama and baba (daddy). We looked at the family pictures together. Jason was trying to mimic Jayden, Brittany  and Justin's name. He said Meimei (little sister) for Gianna without being prompted. He automatically said "gôu" which means dog when he saw Toby's picture. He is very quiet and introverted. He's also very curious. We just got his first smile and laugh by us tickling him. He seems to be OK with both mom and dad. We are overjoyed with this precious little boy that God has gave us and blessed beyond measure!!

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