Wednesday, November 18, 2015


We landed at Dallas Ft. Worth safely. First thing= phone home!  The kiddos are doing well. Grandma and Papa will take special care of them at our home.  A huge "Thank You" to Gma and Papa for their willingness to help. Also, we are very thankful for the Steitz family for their love, support, and help. 

We have a couple hours to find our terminal and grab breakfast before the long flight to Beijing. We anticipate arriving in Beijing  on 11/19 at 2:55 PM according to the itinerary. While descending to the runway, I took a couple pictures of Dallas Cowboys stadium and Texas AM. 

We are ready to bring on this incredibly long flight!  Bring on the coffee and chocolate. 😊

Too much Starbucks coffee!!


  1. Love you, glad to be taking care of our Grandkids. 2 little ones down for the naps. Waiting for Justin to be home from school. Brittany on way to dentist with Papa.
