Saturday, November 21, 2015

Flight Cancelled-Train Instead

We got up at 2AM this morning wide awake. We had plenty of time to get dressed and pack. We've had terrible jet lag. Our flight was cancelled to Henan due to record breaking snow in the forecast. It essentially  means the only option we have was to take the bullett train. We had 20 minutes to scarf down breakfast and get on the bus. The bus dropped us off far away from the train station. We had to walk a long way with our baggage (two large suit cases and pack back each) through the crazy weather conditions. Often, we were less than two feet from busses and other traffic moving beside us. Once we got to the train, however, there were no problems. The train was smooth and went at a pace of 180 mph. The train took about three hours due to seven stops. We went through this incredibly long tunnel that was pitch black and pretty scary.

Once we arrived in Zhengzhou-the Capital City of Henan province, we had five minutes to get off the train with our luggage which was a bit hectic. The Hotel was just a short distance from the train station.  Rita and Yisha (our tour Reps from Jayden's adoption) greeted us. It was so nice to see them again. I couldn't believe they remembered as well and even asked about Jayden. We had a brief meeting with CCAI representatives, then we walked over to Walmart which was only a 10 minute walk. By the time we got out of Walmart, it was raining, snowing, and the sidewalks were drenched with water.  Joel walked to Pizza Hut to bring pizza back to the hotel for us. It was just nice to have some hot, American comfort food after this hectic day. Tomorrow is our special day that we get to see our precious, little Jason! We are so excited and anxious for tomorrow!

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