Friday, October 23, 2015

Surprise, Surprise!

On June 1st, our dossier was sent to CCAI for their critical review before being sent to China. We were incredibly relieved to have these documents out of our hands, in turn, making us one step closer to completing this journey.
One afternoon, we received a call from CCAI, informing us they had a file for us to take a look at. In sheer joy, we gladly told them we would be happy to review it. This came as a shock to us due to our lack of preparation at this point in time in the process. In the last two adoptions, we received our files after we received our log-in date with China. This wonderful surprise left us flabbergasted, in wonder of what exactly God was planning.
Upon opening the file on our computer after Joel came home from work, we immediately saw a gorgeous little boy. We were all at a loss for words, falling in love with little Hu Guang Jian. He was diagnosed with a urinary complication. We quickly got a letter together to take to our Pediatrician's office, along with photos and medical records, hoping for his honest advice. After reviewing the file, he got back with us and said he had spoken with a urologist college of his. The urologist was  eased with the diagnosis and was prepared to preform multiple surgeries on him when little Jian comes home. Our pediatrician announced his approval, encouraging us to continue with this adoption. Music to our ears! With much prayer and this professional opinion, we decided to move forward with adopting Hu Guang Jian!!! We immediately started working on the Letter of Intent (LOI) to send to China.  Woo Hoo!

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